“The show is magic, and it’s not static by any means. Stevie doesn’t spend the whole night seated behind the piano, either. At one point, standing, he and guest artist Frederic Yonnet — a Wonder disciple — had a crazy harmonica duel that almost sent Stevie flying off the stage in a frenzy.”
“Harmonica has played a monumental role in the blues idiom but in jazz it has been employed successfully by only several musicians, Toots Thielemans, Howard Levy and Frédéric Yonnet coming to mind as three who have made significant contributions in the instrument.”
“During “Boogie On Reggae Woman” he stood up from the piano and tore into an intense dueling harmonica jam with virtuoso Frederic Yonnet. Awesome.”
“Mr. Wonder performed a comical but impressive harmonica-solo showdown with Frederic Yonnet, another exceptional musician.”
“Fred has an extraordinary ability for wringing torrents of emotion out of that tiny instrument, the harmonica.”
“From the moment the NPR staff first heard his pocket-sized harmonica, you could feel the electricity in the room.”